Monday, October 9, 2017

EvoWars Game Project Steals The Show

I've been a little distracted lately...

Many years ago, I came up with a game concept called EvoWars.  The game takes place in a far off corner of the universe where three factions battle for control over the galaxy using an advanced weapons called AMEBAs.  These units are a made up of a bio-mechanized technology which allows each AMEBA to adapt to both its surroundings and enemies.  As it survives through battles, various terrain and eventually returns to its deployment pod, its adapted code can be stored and permanently 'evolve' the unit.

Each deployment pod can maintain a single code imprint, which allows it to produce copies of the imprinted AMEBA, effectively cloning AMEBAs to deploy on the battlefield.  As new generations of AMEBAs continue to evolve, they become more and more powerful and replication becomes more time consuming.

That is the basic premise of the game concept and since coming up with it, I've created a TCG variant, a few different computer game iterations, and now... I've started to work on a Unity version.

This version is still very rudimentary, but utilizes the 2D engine to create a board where the player can deploy units and attempt to deal damage to the enemy's base, while fending off the enemy's units.

This project has been something I've always wanted to do, so it will be the focus of my programming efforts over the next few weeks.  Within 2 weeks, I've been able to build the battle engine and basic combat framework.

Over the next few weeks, I plan on implementing the following features:

  • Unit Selection User Interface (UI) - create 3 PODs which the player can use to select the unit he wants to deploy.  Setup recharge counter to delay redeployment.
  • 'Imprinting' mechanic - where the player can click on a unit in the battlefield and 'imprint' it back into one of her PODs.  Stores an updated copy of the prefab stats into the POD and destroys the unit on the battlefield.
  • 'Adaptation' mechanic - create game mechanic for units to randomly (random for the time being) gain stat increase after X period of time on battlefield.  Set color tint as indicator of an adaptation.  
  • Add sound effects - create sounds for:
    • Unit Dying
    • Unit Hitting a Base
    • Unit Being Imprinted
    • Unit Being Deployed
  • Basic Start-up Screen & Menu
  • Save/Load Feature - stores a POD that you currently have and the AMEBA stats attached.  Allows you to load an AMEBA. -OR- I might create a save game state where enemy level & difficult increases.
  • Enemy Level System to make each battle progressively harder.  -Decrease spawn time; increase various stats: atk, def, spd, hp.
These are the primary features that I really want to get through and then I'll figure out how to publish this as a game on Kongregate.  

It won't be the most polished game, but I really want to launch this as my first official game and then I can say that I've actually published a game!

In the meantime, I'll provide a few updates on my progress with the game and I hope you'll keep work on your own automation projects.


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