Thursday, November 2, 2017

EvoWars v0.1 - Alpha Release!

[download via Google Drive] - Click here to download .exe version of the game for Windows.
[link to Kongregate - web hosted game] - Click here to play online via Kongregate.

I've finished my alpha... well, I've reached a point where I need to ship.

There's a few things (ok, maybe a hundred things) I'd like to polish up before it launches, but you've just got to ship.

There will be bugs, there are definitely balancing issues.  The depth of the game is pretty shallow.  It feels more like an arcade game than the RTS / CCG game that I'd like to ultimately build.  I could not finish or figure out all the mechanics like adaptive growth.  Color tinting based on stats is in really close reach, but that'll have to be the low hanging fruit for my next release.

There's a philosophy in coding that you must stay true to.  And that's ship early, ship often.  You'll get a whole lot more done that way and it'll force you to stay regimented.

With that said, EvoWars v0.1 is completed!

I am letting go of control and saying that this is a completed Alpha release.  It's a playable, ship-able game.  *happy dance*

And if you want to try it out, I'll provide a link once when it's uploaded and available on the web. Update: link provide above.

A few changes I do plan to make in the next release:

  1. Add a reload timer upgrade (allows players to reduce the reload time between deploying a unit)
  2. Create an instruction scene / tutorial to explain the game.  (I showed to my wife and she's like what the heck does this do or that do?  And said I need instructions... she's right... she's always right.)
  3. Add color tinting and size scaling based on different stats to units
    • Look into adding mass based on size scaling to reduce enemy speed impact
  4. Create a 'Game Over' scene when player loses
  5. Create a 'You Won!' scene when player wins and display stats from that level.  (Have most of the variables for this already available, just haven't implemented... scene building takes more time than the coding.)
I'm sure there are dozens of other changes / bugs that I'm missing right now, but feel free to leave comments on bugs that you've noticed.  I'll be needing plenty of beta testers and keep a list of all the various bugs on this site.

Update: 11/4/17
Finally figured out how to get this thing uploaded to Kongregate.  You can try out the game via the link.

There's always challenges when it comes to programming and dealing with software, especially across different platforms.

Anyways.  I've finished uploading the game to the web and have it hosted on Kongregate, a popular web gaming site.  It took forever to figure out how to compile to WebGL and finally I realized that the Facebook SDK was conflicting with the WebGL plugin so I just nixed the FB plugin.

After that, I found out that you can only test the web build via Firefox... that was a bit annoying, but it worked.

Then there were challenges with completing everything necessary to host a game on Kongregate... ugh... paperwork.

But its there!  For all the world to experience in all its glory.

**** Turn on - Run in background setting during next compile
*** On Kongregate, the window has scroll bars, need to figure out how to change compiling to handle that
** Music starts after game scene loads; add music tracks to preloader to prevent delay and implement bgm manager to handle switching tracks
** Handle units that turn around and just disappear into their own base (it was kind of funny though, looked like it was running away)

** Escape Key Ends game (added for testing, forgot to remove it...)
* Balance Idea: Increment enemy respawn rate speed every 5 levels

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